
SEO and content tools for analytics, keyword tracking, content optimization

Who is Positional built for?

Positional is an advanced SEO and content marketing toolset designed to enhance your content strategy. It provides comprehensive analytics, keyword tracking, content optimization, and more to help you improve search rankings and user engagement.

Positional is built for SEO professionals, content marketers, digital agencies, and businesses looking to boost their organic search traffic and content performance.

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Key Features

  • Optimize: Improve content with intelligent recommendations.
  • Content Analytics: Analyze user behavior and enhance content performance.
  • Internals: Streamline internal linking suggestions.
  • Keyword Research & Tracking: Perform and track keyword research effectively.
  • Keyword Clustering: Group keywords based on SERP data.
  • Competitor Research: Identify keyword gaps and competitive insights.
  • Social Listening: Monitor brand presence and industry trends.
  • AutoDetect: Validate content for AI and plagiarism.
  • Editorial Calendar: Manage your content schedule and collaboration.
Positional screenshot

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